IVY Environmental International Summer Camp | Youth’s fantastic tour of environmental protection!It has passed for ten days since summervacation. What did you do? They gained a lot this summer. How much is the environmental pollutioncaused by plastic products? What is the biggest culprit of marine environmentaldamage? Before attending the IVY Summer Camp, these kids knew little aboutthese problems and did not care about them. However, now they are all smallguards of marine environmental protection, and everyone looks like a ‘littleprof’, while talking about the environmental protection. What happened in theseseven days that make children grow up significantly? Let's review the week-longIVY Summer Camp. Foreign teachers’ accompaniment and Englishresearch-based learning ‘Internationality’ is the feature of thissummer camp. IVY and New Zealand foreign teachers formed a strong teacher teamto lead the camp members to study, research and join activities together. Thechildren abandoned timidity, became natural and generous, and started speaking English and writingEnglish reports. The head teacher is our principal John, whocomes from Britain and has been engaged in environmental protection researchfor many years. In addition, IVY environmental protection project has been ledby John. In the process of studying and researching of environmentalprotection, John encouraged children to discover problems exploratively, solveproblems in mutual assistance and practice, and strengthen their personalizededucation in the context of international education. Finally, the children allhanded in their English research results and showed their results confidentlyin English. Blue Sea Protectors Fight against MarinePollution to the End The theme of this summer camp is"environmental protection". Focusing on the theme , IVY teachers set up a series of research activities. This kind ofactivities with public welfare and academic nature is great to the improvechildren's ability and awareness. The Blue Ribbon Marine ConservationAssociation also joined in the summer camp, working with children to developenvironmental protection plans and promote marine conservation concepts. As amember of Blue Ribbon and pioneer of marine protection, IVY International Schoolhas been promoting the development of marine environmental protection. Environmental Research The first lesson is "MarineEnvironmental Protection Course". Teacher John introduced the seriousnessof marine pollution and the urgency of protecting the ocean to children througha group of data and pictures. At the same time, he also assigned homework forchildren, recorded important information such as data in learning and practice,and finally formed his own English academic research. In order to accomplishthe tasks assigned by the teacher, the children are divided into groups andworked in groups. Clean Beach Project Blue sea and soft beach make the moodbright. However, everyday new rubbish appears in the ocean and on the beach.One of the tasks the campers have to do is to clean beach. The purpose of cleanbeach is not only to reduce beach garbage, but also to let people feel theseriousness of marine pollution in practice, and appeal to reduce the dischargeof marine garbage. In the process of cleaning beach, thechildren found that the most beach garbage was cigarette butts and plasticgarbage, which could cause undesirable consequences that marine organisms loselife by eating accidently. Recycle Artworks Production The completion of the Clean Beach Projectdirectly resulted in the "Recyclable Art Projects". Under theguidance of the leading teacher, all members classified the garbage generated fromthe beach. Some garbage was used in the production of "Recyclable ArtProject". Under the guidance of IVY Art Teacher Tony, everyone used thesematerials to complete one piece of art in group. Most of the works are based onthe theme of "ocean". Friends make full use of their creative produceartworks including ocean, sailing boat, fish and other elements. What is the culprit of environmentalpollution? Plastic! This daily material is deteriorating our environment stepby step. Food bags, packaging bags and plastic bottles bring convenience to ourlife, but also destroy our living environment. White pollution has become aworldwide pollution problem. Isn’t there any safe and environmentalmaterial that can replace plastics? Yes, there is. Under John's guidance,campers used seaweed and cornstarch to make small plates in different colorsthat do not damage the environment, and these productions made the childrenfeel highly successful. Ride the wind and wave, and embrace the sea In order to let campers feel the charm ofwater sports, experience the pleasure of riding the wind and waves, andincrease courage and confidence, IVY teachers brought campers to enjoy some watersports such as sailing, canoeing and so on. It is a sunny afternoon. In the IVY sailingtraining base on the half moon bay beach, little friends put on quick dryclothes, life jackets and other water equipment, stood on the soft beach, heldkayaks in the hands, and ran to the sea. The IVY sailing coach instructed thekids to hoist the sail, get ready, and ride the waves together. They chased inthe wind and waves. Everyone said, "this is great!" Water sports letchildren truly experience the "spirit of sailing" and improve theircourage, leadership and problem-solving ability. In addition, campers also learned rockclimbing in the IVY gym. They enjoyed the fun of climbing and improved theirphysical fitness. Closing ceremony: witness the growth On the last day of the summer camp, theclosing ceremony was held at IVY sailing training base on half moon bay beach.Ivy teachers, campers and their parents attended the closing ceremony andreviewed the harvest and inspiration together. In the closing ceremony, the recyclableartworks created by campers were exhibited, which attracted many visitors tostop and watch. Visitors praised the children's creative ability and practicalability. In the beautiful works, children put their good wished to thoseproducts. They wished that look forward to the clean sea, marine life no longerreduces, human and marine life become friends. The children rehearsed a drama in Englishand performed for teachers and parents on the closing ceremony. A littlemermaid hopes her home to be free from pollution and hopes to be friend withhuman. This story sends a good wish from children. They also sang environmentalprotection songs together, and the beautiful song contains everyone's goodexpectations. The most important part of the closingceremony is to introduce the research results of each group. In the one-weekinvestigation and study, we have had a deep understanding of environmentalissues. We have presented environmental issues through various detailed smalltopics. Some groups study plastic emissions, while others focus on the effectsof marine pollution on marine life. In the full English report, the confidentperformance shows the children’s one week's growth. A meaningful environmental research schooltrip is coming to a perfect end. During the seven days of practice andlearning, the children have gained a deeper understanding of environmentalprotection, and their ability to solve problems, conduct academic research, andwork in groups has been improved a lot. Everyone said that they would like toparticipate in the IVY summer camp next year! Summer vacation is an important period toimprove children's knowledge and ability. A meaningful research and learningactivity can make children apply what they have learned, broaden their horizonand improve their quality and ability in an all-round way. IVY's annual summercamp research and learning activities set up different theme elements, create aninternational learning atmosphere, and let campers benefit a lot.