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Cambridge A Level is the most suitable for Chinese high school students attending international courses.

The Cambridge A Level curriculum has 70 courses to choose from. Through painstaking research of the International Department, our school helps Chinese students choose the most competitive courses. We emphasize students’ interest but also take full account of their potential.

Sound mathematical foundation:
Chinese high school students’ math ability is generally advanced than that of Western students. For the vast majority of Chinese high school students, the choice of A Level Mathematics gives them one foot in the door to a world-class university.

Stable mode of examination:
The authority of A Level is recognized worldwide. Standardization and stability of the Cambridge exams, subject to strict tests and training, allow young Chinese students to excel.

Hierarchical scoring system:
Cambridge A Level examinations are not based on a percentile system, rather test scores are divided into A, B, C, D and E grades. A* was added in 2010. Therefore small errors do not affect the students’ exam rating. Moreover, Cambridge A Level examinations are not a life sentence. If students are not satisfied with their results, they can apply for make-up, to achieve the best possible grades and pursue their university of choice.

The relative gap in English can be avoided:
A Level courses which require a high level of English language skills, such as liberal arts courses, are not compulsory. Mathematics and science subjects are Chinese students' strengths, so Hangzhou Eton Cambridge International Centre advises students on course selection, both to avoid the gap of Chinese students in English, without affecting the choice to enroll in top universities.